Selasa, 19 Juni 2012


By Gregorius Mosed Karhindra, ST

Based on my experience to the village Taen Terong, sub Riung, Ngada regency, East Nusa Tenggara province, Republic of Indonesia, in May 2012. See and experience life directly with villagers who are not served by electricity supply from PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara / State Electricity Company), the supply of clean water from PDAM  (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum / Regional Water Company), have paved roads, etc.

Living with villagers TaenTerong even if only for a week, I could also feel the weight of life's challenges everyday to be served the community.

In real life - the day, the villagers fought against it, such as:

The absence of service  from PLN (cheap power source), making many villagers use oil lamps for lighting sources to activities in the evening.
There really are able to buy a generator set (genset) as a solution to overcome the absence of a power source, but with limited funding, this solution only for a few hours. As well as Solar Cell, but only for a few hours and little power.
Most of the villagers who live in poverty, using oil lamps as the main source of lighting. This means that they must fight against the dim light can damage the health of the senses of vision as well as the sense of breathing. If you do not believe, PROVE BY YOURSELF ...!

The absence of service  from PDAM (water source), makes the villagers rely on springs / wells that were located far away from home (can be> 100 m) for drinking and whatnot. With distance from water sources, meaning that required more effort and time to bring it home. For kids who are students who go to reach their dreams, this is a serious problem for time to study in order to understand the subject matter found in the school. Because the activity is carried out to draw water when the sun is illuminating the earth, meaning that the kids get ready to face an oil lamps in the evenings for study time.
Heavy if reversed, learning the afternoon, evening bucket of water. Because the situation a dark night, cold and face the risk of wild animals such as snakes.

The absence of good public roads (already paved). Until May 2012, the condition of dirt roads and rocky, making transportation of goods both crops and humans, it becomes very difficult to travel. Moreover, if during the rainy season.

Scarcity of adequate public transportation such as bemo, buses and trucks. If anything, just passing at certain hour or rented to transport agricultural products.

The damn accursed who deceived, who come either under the guise of an individual or NGO (Non Governmental Organization) is requesting data and money in order to receive assistance from the donator. Once the money and the data obtained, kept the damn accursed like lost in the earth. It is not surprising that the data and the poverty of the villagers, 'sold' by the damn accursed to cheat in order to get funds from donors.

Prospective officials or local officials, which promises the empty hopes about these infrastructure improvements, or to the welfare of society.
Far from the General Hospital, pharmacy or medical personnel. On the positive side, forcing residents to become a doctor for themselves or have an attitude of surrender to God's great if you have severe pain, such as a poisonous snake bite.

And so forth.

As a conclusion, they, the people who live with the limitations, are fighter. And also let their eyes (people living with limitations) to see the damn accursed who 'sell' their backwardness and poverty for the prosperities, without even the slightest share with them, experiencing plagues of God, like ALL TYPES OF CANCER,


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